


震撼! NASA晒出木星蓝色风暴照片-ku游

发布时间:2024-09-19 00:49人气:
本文摘要:NASAs Juno spacecraft has captured a breathtaking image of a raging tempest on Jupiter.美国国家航空航天局的“朱诺”号飞船,于近日捕捉到了一张令人惊叹的木星上凶狠风暴的照片。

NASAs Juno spacecraft has captured a breathtaking image of a raging tempest on Jupiter.美国国家航空航天局的“朱诺”号飞船,于近日捕捉到了一张令人惊叹的木星上凶狠风暴的照片。Variations in the darkness of the clouds reveal whats thought to be the depth of the storm, with darker clouds sitting deeper in the atmosphere.云层颜色厚薄的变化说明了了风暴的深度,颜色更深的云层在环境中所一处方位加深。Juno spotted the turbulent scene during its ninth close flyby of the planet, from roughly 10,108 km above the cloudtops.“朱诺”号是在第九次近距离飞到木星时,从云端以上大约10108千米的高度捕捉到了这一波涛汹涌景象。

According to NASA, the swirling storm is rotating counter-clockwise over Jupiters northern hemisphere.美国国家航空航天局回应,漩涡状的风暴于是以以逆时针方向在木星北半球转动。It was captured on October 24, and reveals massive bright clouds and their shadows, stretching roughly 7-12 km across.照片是10月24日摄制的,表明了延绵大约7至12公里的大量发光的云层以及它们的阴影。

These appear similar to the small clouds in other bright regions Juno has detected and are expected to be updrafts of ammonia ice crystals possibly mixed with water ice, NASA notes.美国国家航空航天局认为:“这些区域十分类似于“朱诺号”之前观测过的其他区域的小型云团,这些云团有可能是氨冰晶体混合水冰构成的下降气流柱。”The stunning image was processed by citizen scientists Gerald Eichstadt and Sean Doran using data from the JunoCam imager.这一令人震惊的照片,是由公民科学家杰拉尔德·艾彻达特、肖恩·多伦用于“朱诺号”照相机的数据,展开处置后获得的。


