



发布时间:2024-08-21 00:49人气:
本文摘要:Do you recall a report from late last month that claimed Apple will hold an event in March to launch a Red colour variant of the iPhone 7, a 128GB storage variant of the iPhone SE, and new iPad Pro models? Well, now a fresh report indicates that the Apple is indeed set to launch new products.你们还忘记上月底的一篇报导吗?

Do you recall a report from late last month that claimed Apple will hold an event in March to launch a Red colour variant of the iPhone 7, a 128GB storage variant of the iPhone SE, and new iPad Pro models? Well, now a fresh report indicates that the Apple is indeed set to launch new products.你们还忘记上月底的一篇报导吗?报导里说道苹果公司不会在3月份举行一场发布会,公布红色的iPhone 7、128GB的iPhone SE和全新的iPad Pro。好了,现在一篇新鲜出炉的报导称之为苹果公司的确要公布新产品。Heres everything we know about the event so far.以下是迄今为止我们对这场发布会熟知的全部信息。When will Apple hold its Spring Event?苹果公司不会在什么时间举行春季发布会?Apple is expected to hold the event within the next month. It is not clear exactly when the event will be, with some rumours suggesting it could be as early as March 20, but it is likely to be in early April.据推断,苹果公司不会在下个月完结前举行这场发布会,现在还不确切活动的明确时间。

有的传言说道时间很早以前,就在3月20日,但是也很可能会到4月初。Some reports have indicated the event will be held at Apple Park, its new campus, which is set to open next month. In the past the company has confirmed the date of its event 10 to 12 days beforehand.一些报导称会在苹果园区举行这场发布会,也就是公司计划于下月对外开放的新园区。

以往,苹果公司不会在会前10至12日确认日期。What will be announced?不会公布什么产品?New iPad Pro全新iPad ProThe biggest release at the Spring Event this year is expected to be a range of new iPads, with the most significant being a 10.5-inch iPad Pro. Joining the roster of 12.9-inch and 9.7-inch iPads, the middle sized device could have an all-new design with an edge-to-edge display and no home button.据推断,今年春季发布会的仅次于亮点将是一系列全新的iPad,其中还包括最引人注目的10.5英寸iPad Pro。

重新加入12.9英寸和9.7英寸的iPad行列之中的这款中等尺寸产品,可能会有全新的设计,使用无边框显示屏,去除主页按钮。Tim Cook recently said: Weve got some exciting things coming on iPad and Im optimistic about where things are headed.蒂姆?库克最近说道:“我们在iPad下有了一些令人激动的创新,我对事态的发展深感很悲观。”The tech giant could release a further three iPads, including a refresh the two Pro models released last year and a new 7.9-inch iPad to replace the Mini. The refreshed 9.7-inch iPad Pro could be a lower-end version of the one unveiled in September, while the 12.9-inch iPad Pro could gain a 12MP camera and true tone display.这家技术巨头公司有可能还不会更进一步公布其它3款iPad,还包括去年公布的Pro的两个新款和一款代替Mini的全新7.9英寸iPad。新款9.7英寸iPad Pro有可能是9月公布的Pro的低端版产品,而12.9英寸iPad Pro可能会配有1200万像素摄像头和True Tone屏幕显示技术。

Larger iPhone SE更大容量的iPhone SEHaving revealed the iPhone SE at its Spring Event in 2016, Apple could use its anniversary to introduce a larger model. The company is rumoured to have been working on a 128GB version of the device.苹果公司在2016年春季公布了iPhone SE,可能会在一周年之际公布一款更大容量的产品,传言称之为苹果公司早已在128GB版本上下功夫。New colour for the iPhone 7新的颜色的iPhone 7Building on its Product Red campaign, a range of red products for which Apple makes a contribution to the Global Fund for HIV and AIDS programmes from every purchase, the company is rumoured to be working on a red iPhone 7.苹果公司正在展开一项“红色产品运动”——制作一系列红色产品,每售出一件产品就为艾滋病全球基金会捐赠一笔款项。因此,传言称之为苹果公司正在生产红色的iPhone 7。

The selection already includes red cases, a red iPod shuffle, nano and touch, red Beats products and a red Apple Watch sport band. Although the company already sells a red silicon case for the iPhone it could take it one step further with an all red phone.该系列产品早已还包括红色外壳,红色iPod shuffle、nano和touch,红色Beats产品和一款红色Apple Watch运动表带。尽管苹果公司早已在贩卖一款红色的iPhone硅胶外壳,它也可能会更进一步,生产几乎是红色的手机。


