



发布时间:2024-08-13 00:49人气:
本文摘要:Alibaba Group Holding Ltd. said Thursday that its online shopping sites are temporarily blocking sellers from subscribing to marketing and promotion apps linked with rival Tencent Holdings Ltd.s WeChat mobile messaging service. 阿里巴巴集团(Alibaba Group Holding Ltd.)周四说道,其在线购物网站继续禁令卖家用于与微信(WeChat)涉及的营销和推广应用。

Alibaba Group Holding Ltd. said Thursday that its online shopping sites are temporarily blocking sellers from subscribing to marketing and promotion apps linked with rival Tencent Holdings Ltd.s WeChat mobile messaging service. 阿里巴巴集团(Alibaba Group Holding Ltd.)周四说道,其在线购物网站继续禁令卖家用于与微信(WeChat)涉及的营销和推广应用。微信是腾讯控股(Tencent Holdings Ltd.)旗下的移动消息服务。Sellers on Alibabas Taobao and Tmall sites have been using such apps to send promotional messages to online shoppers. 阿里巴巴旗下淘宝网(Taobao)和天猫商城(Tmall)的卖家仍然用于这类应用于向网络购物者发送到广告宣传信息。

Unlike Amazon.com Inc., Alibaba doesnt sell products but operates websites that allow sellers to find buyers. Sellers on Taobao are mostly small merchants, while Tmall hosts major brands such as Nike and Gap. 不同于亚马逊(Amazon.com Inc.),阿里巴巴并不销售产品,而是运营网站,可供卖家找寻买家。淘宝网上的卖家大多是小商家,而天猫商城则有耐克(Nike)和Gap等大品牌进驻。Separately on Thursday, Alibaba said that the company and Sina Corp.s Twitter-like Weibo microblog business in which Alibaba holds a stake 岸 are launching a Taobao-friendly version of Weibo, integrating user accounts for the two services. Weibo will also provide Taobao sellers with marketing services to help them promote their products on the microblog, Alibaba said. 另外,阿里巴巴周四说道,该公司和新浪(Sina Corp.)旗下类似于推特(Twitter)的微博(Weibo)业务将要发售限于于淘宝的微博版本,统合这两项服务的用户账号。


Alibaba said the two announcements, even though they came on the same day, are not related. The company said it decided to suspend the WeChat-related apps because it received complaints from consumers shopping on its Taobao and Tmall sites that they were getting an ※excessive§ number of promotional messages on WeChat from sellers. In some cases, Alibaba said, sellers were using the apps to guide shoppers outside of the online payment process run by Alipay, an Alibaba affiliate. 阿里巴巴说道,上述两项公告虽然在当天公布,但并无关系。该公司说道,其要求停止与微信涉及的应用于,原因是收到在淘宝和天猫上购物的消费者滋扰,说道他们在微信上接到的卖家广告宣传信息数量过多。阿里巴巴说道,有时卖家还利用微信应用于引领购物者跨过阿里巴巴旗下支付宝(Alipay)运营的缴纳程序。

Still, the moves raise questions about whether Alibaba is trying to protect its user database from Tencent while deepening its partnership with another social network. WeChat-related apps could be getting in the way of Alibabas attempt to maintain its comprehensive user database including payment data under its control. 但这些措施仍引起人们批评,阿里巴巴否在企图维护用户数据库不被腾讯取得,同时加剧与另一家社交网络的合作关系。阿里巴巴企图保持对其普遍的用户数据库的掌控,还包括缴纳数据,而微信涉及的应用于不会妨碍阿里巴巴的这一希望。

But Alibaba spokeswoman Florence Shih said that the sole reason behind the decision to block the apps is to ensure secure transactions for shoppers on Taobao and Tmall. 但阿里巴巴集团发言人Florence Shih说道,要求制止微信涉及应用于的唯一原因是保证淘宝和天猫购物者的交易安全性。There are ways to use WeChat that dont offend our buyers, and we have no issue with that,§ she said. 她说道,有很多用于微信的方式会侮辱到买家,我们回应没意见。A Tencent spokeswoman could not be immediately reached for comment. 记者无法立刻联络腾讯发言人置评。While Alibaba dominates Chinas fast-growing e-commerce market, Tencents strengths lie in social media and gaming and it has a strong user base among smartphone users thanks to the popularity of WeChat. 阿里巴巴主导着中国快速增长的电子商务市场,而腾讯的聪明才智在于社交媒体和游戏,而且由于微信的普及,腾讯在智能手机用户中具有强劲的用户群体。

As transactions and other online activities move to smartphones, Alibaba has already taken steps to adapt. In April, Alibaba struck a deal to buy an 18% stake in Sinas Weibo business for $586 million, gaining an opportunity to tap into the social media sites strong mobile user base 岸 a much-needed alliance to bring more mobile traffic to Taobao and other Alibaba services, 随着交易和其他在线活动改向智能手机,阿里巴巴早已采行了一些措施适应环境这种变化。今年4月,阿里巴巴达成协议以5.86亿美元并购新浪微博业务18%股份的交易,从而夺得了挖出微博强劲手机用户群体的机会,这也是阿里巴巴急需达成协议的联盟,目的让淘宝和其他阿里巴巴服务取得更加多手机采访流量。On Thursday, Alibaba said that Taobao and Weibo will integrate user accounts so people can log into both services from either site. The companies are also introducing new ways to display products sold on Taobao on Weibo and allow people to place an order directly from Weibo. 周四,阿里巴巴说道,淘宝和微博将统合用户账号,这样人们无论在二者中的哪个站点指定,都可以同时指定两个网站。



