


ku游_双语科技百科(近现代成就) 第91期:大庆油田的发现

发布时间:2024-08-03 00:49人气:
本文摘要:Discovery of the Daqing Oil Field大庆油田的找到Situated in a large plateau between the Songhua River and Nunjiang River in Heilongjiang Province, the Daqing Oil Field is the largest comprehensive oil production base in China. On September 26, 1959, a commercial oil flow was obtained from well Songji 3 in the Songliao Basin in Heilongjiang Province, marking the discovery of this world-class giant oil field.It was just before the 10th anniversary of the founding of new China. To commemorate the day, Datong Town was renamed Daqing (great celebration), and the whole oil deposit belt was named the Daqing Oil Field. To date it remains the largest oil field in China.坐落于黑龙江省松嫩平原中部的大庆油田,是中国仅次于的油区,1959年9月26日16时许,在松嫩平原上一个叫太原的小镇附近,从一座取名为“松基三井”的油井里喷射出的黑色油流标志着一个世界级大油田的找到。

Discovery of the Daqing Oil Field大庆油田的找到Situated in a large plateau between the Songhua River and Nunjiang River in Heilongjiang Province, the Daqing Oil Field is the largest comprehensive oil production base in China. On September 26, 1959, a commercial oil flow was obtained from well Songji 3 in the Songliao Basin in Heilongjiang Province, marking the discovery of this world-class giant oil field.It was just before the 10th anniversary of the founding of new China. To commemorate the day, Datong Town was renamed Daqing (great celebration), and the whole oil deposit belt was named the Daqing Oil Field. To date it remains the largest oil field in China.坐落于黑龙江省松嫩平原中部的大庆油田,是中国仅次于的油区,1959年9月26日16时许,在松嫩平原上一个叫太原的小镇附近,从一座取名为“松基三井”的油井里喷射出的黑色油流标志着一个世界级大油田的找到。当时正值国庆10周年之际,为了纪念这一天,将太原改回大庆,整个石油探区被称作“大庆油田”。直到今天,它都是中国仅次于的油田,也是世界十大油田之一。

It was put into operation in May of 1960, soon producing two-thirds of the national total. By 1976, the output of its crude oil reached 50.3 million tons making it one of the 10 largest oil fields in the world. Since then on, it had well maintained an output of crude oil standing at 50 million tons or more. Statistics show that Daqings proven recoverable reserves exceed 5.3 billion tons, and it has produced crude oil of l.405 billon tons, accounting for 47.2 percent of the national total.1960年5月,大庆油田投放研发建设,原油产量迅速占到到全国总量的2/3。1976年,大庆油田原油年产量首次突破5000万吨大关,转入世界特大型油田的行列。自那以后,年产原油仍然维持在5000万吨以上。



