



发布时间:2024-07-15 00:49人气:
本文摘要:Facebook is to try to make privacy settings clearer by creating a hub where users can examine the data they are sharing, in its latest move to address the scandal that has wiped billions of dollars off its market value.Facebook企图通过创立一个用户可以查阅其分享数据的枢纽,使隐私设置更为明晰,这是该公司应付造成其巨额市值冷却的数据泄漏丑闻的近期措施。

Facebook is to try to make privacy settings clearer by creating a hub where users can examine the data they are sharing, in its latest move to address the scandal that has wiped billions of dollars off its market value.Facebook企图通过创立一个用户可以查阅其分享数据的枢纽,使隐私设置更为明晰,这是该公司应付造成其巨额市值冷却的数据泄漏丑闻的近期措施。The world’s largest social network said the settings — including which third-party developers were permitted to access a users’ data — would be centralised, pulling together information that was at present distributed around 20 pages within the platform.这个世界上仅次于的社交网络回应,这些设置(还包括那些容许第三方开发者采访用户数据的设置)将被集中于一起,把目前产于在平台内约20个页面的信息汇聚到一起。

Rob Sherman, deputy chief privacy officer for Facebook, said the changes to make privacy controls “more prominent” were being worked on before the revelations that the data of up to 50m users were leaked to Cambridge Analytica, a data analysis firm that worked for Donald Trump’s presidential campaign. He added: “The thing that has been very clear over the past week is that we’ve lost trust and need to work on regaining it.”Facebook副首席隐私官罗布?谢尔曼(Rob Sherman)回应,数据泄漏消息传出前,公司早已在著手展开调整,使隐私掌控“占有更为引人注目的地位”。之前媒体爆料称之为,多达5000万Facebook用户的数据被泄漏给唐纳德?特朗普(Donald Trump)竞选团队所聘用的数据分析公司剑桥分析(Cambridge Analytica)。

他补足说道:“过去一周十分确切的一点是,我们丧失了信任,必须希望新的夺得信任。”Facebook will also make it easier for users to see all the data that the company holds on them, allowing individuals to explore them by category rather than via a data dump using its old download tool. The new tool could make it easier for users to take their data to a rival, a process that will be required under the EU’s General Data Protection Rules that come into force in May.Facebook还将让用户更容易看见公司持有人的有关他们的所有数据,容许个人按类别网页数据,而不是通过原有的下载工具,一下子灌入大量数据。新的工具可以让用户更容易将他们的数据带回竞争对手那里,这个过程是欧盟《一般数据保护条例》(GDPR)所拒绝的,该条例将于5月生效。“It is one thing to read a data policy that explains general practices,” Mr Sherman said. “It is very different seeing your own data and being able to control it.”“读者一份说明一般性作法的数据隐私维护政策是一其实,” 谢尔曼说道,“看见你自己的数据并需要掌控它,是十分有所不同的另一回事。

”Facebook is under pressure from politicians and regulators over data privacy. John Edwards, the New Zealand privacy commissioner, yesterday became the latest to criticise the company, saying it had breached the country’s privacy laws. Facebook has denied the claim.在数据隐私问题上,Facebook面对政界人士和监管机构的压力。新西兰隐私专员约翰?爱德华兹(John Edwards)昨日沦为近期一位抨击该公司的人,他回应,Facebook违背了该国的隐私权法。

Facebook回应不予坚称。The crisis has pushed some Facebook users, including Mr Edwards, to delete their accounts. Others have downloaded their data to understand exactly what the company knows about them.这场危机促成还包括爱德华兹在内的一些Facebook用户移除了他们的账户。还有一些人iTunes了他们的数据,以理解公司到底掌控了他们的多少信息。

Yesterday’s announcement follows changes announced by Mark Zuckerberg, chief executive, which largely focused on reducing the amount of data that third-party apps could collect.昨日声明公布之前,首席执行官马克?扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)宣告了一些调整,重点是增加第三方app可以搜集的数据量。Some privacy experts said Facebook would need to go much further.一些隐私专家回应,Facebook将必须回头得很远。

Jonathan Kewley of law firm Clifford Chance’s technology group said: “There will need to be further steps and more radical steps. New ways will have to be considered beyond a platform which aggregates all the information they control.”高伟绅律师事务所(Clifford Chance)科技业务部门的律师乔纳森?科利(Jonathan Kewley)回应:“必须采行更进一步且更为做到的措施。必需考虑到新的方式,而不只是一个把他们掌控的所有信息都汇聚一起的平台。


