



发布时间:2024-05-11 00:49人气:
本文摘要:Huawei, the Chinese technology group, is suing Samsung of South Korea for allegedly infringing its patents on mobile devices.中国科技集团华为(Huawei)控告韩国企业三星(Samsung),声称三星侵害了其在移动设备方面的专利。

Huawei, the Chinese technology group, is suing Samsung of South Korea for allegedly infringing its patents on mobile devices.中国科技集团华为(Huawei)控告韩国企业三星(Samsung),声称三星侵害了其在移动设备方面的专利。The group has filed lawsuits in the US and China seeking compensation for infringement of intellectual property, including patents relating to cellular communications technology and software used by Samsung’s mobile phones.华为在美国和中国驳回诉讼,对据信的侵害知识产权不道德明确提出赔偿,这些知识产权还包括与三星手机用于的蜂窝通讯技术和软件涉及的专利。

Huawei has won several lawsuits in the past to enforce its patent holdings, but this is the first time that it has challenged the world’s largest smartphone maker.过去华为在专利维权方面曾夺得多起诉讼。但这是华为首次向全球仅次于的智能手机制造商发动挑战。

Samsung is one of the technology groups most under threat by the rapid rise of Huawei, which has become the third largest smartphone maker in the world.华为很快兴起,三星是面对威胁仅次于的科技集团之一。如今华为已沦为全球第三大智能手机制造商。

Samsung was not immediately available for comment.记者一时间联系不上三星请求其置评。Technology groups such as Huawei, Nokia and Ericsson make money from their large portfolios of patents that other companies need to manufacture smartphones.华为、诺基亚(Nokia)和爱立信(Ericsson)等科技集团利润于各自可观的专利人组,其他公司必须这些专利来生产智能手机。Huawei began making phones much later than either of its Scandinavian rivals. Those two companies in effect helped create the mobile phone market in the 1990s and thus own many of the more basic technologies.华为开始生产手机比上述两家北欧竞争对手要晚得多。

上世纪90年代,这两家企业实质上推展首创了手机市场,因此它们享有很多较为基本的技术。However, the Chinese group has invested heavily in the past decade to catch up and take a lead in more modern designs and applications in the smartphone sector.然而,过去十年这家中国企业乘机投资、迎头赶上,在较为现代的设计和智能手机应用于方面正处于领先方位。Huawei now has cross-licensing agreements with Ericsson, Qualcomm, Nokia, Alcatel-Lucent and many other telecoms technology makers.华为如今与爱立信、高通(Qualcomm)、诺基亚、阿尔卡特-朗讯(Alcatel-Lucent)以及其他很多电信技术厂商有交叉许可协议。

In 2015, Huawei invested CNY59.6bn ($9.2bn), or 15 per cent of its annual revenue, in research and development of technologies, products, and wireless communications standards.2015年,华为在技术、产品以及无线通信标准的研发上投资596亿元人民币(合92亿美元),相等于其年营收的15%。According to the World Intellectual Property Organisation, Huawei filed the most international patents for the second consecutive year in 2015. The company has been granted more than 50,000 patents around the world relating to 4G mobile, operating systems and user interface, which are crucial to smartphones.据世界知识产权组织(World Intellectual Property Organisation)回应,2015年华为倒数第二年沦为申请人国际专利最少的企业。该公司在全球范围享有逾5万个与4G移动、操作系统和用户界面涉及的专利,这些方面对智能手机至关重要。

As with other companies, Huawei said it was committed to licensing patents on fair, reasonable and non-discriminatory basis, but added that it was entitled to “reasonable compensation” from firms that used its technology.和其他公司一样,华为称之为其致力于在公平、合理和非歧视性的基础上颁发专利使用权,但补足称之为,它有权拒绝用于其技术的公司给与“合理补偿”。Ding Jianxing, president of Huawei’s intellectual property rights department, said: “We have seen a large number of patent cross-licensing agreements signed in the industry to ensure legitimate use of technologies, as this is the basis for the healthy development of the smartphone industry. With such a belief, we have actively negotiated with other patent holders in the industry for cross-licensing over the years.”华为知识产权部部长丁建称之为:“我们看见行业内签定了大量的专利交叉许可协议以保证合法用于技术,因为这是智能手机行业身体健康发展的基础。抱着这样一个信念,多年来我们为了交叉许可协议与业内其他专利持有者大力地展开了谈判。


