



发布时间:2024-04-09 00:49人气:
本文摘要:China has released a short list of eight names for the countrys first Mars spacecraft, which is scheduled to launch by 2020.近日,中国公布了一份名单,所列了中国第一个、预计于2020年升空的火星探测器的八个待选名称。

China has released a short list of eight names for the countrys first Mars spacecraft, which is scheduled to launch by 2020.近日,中国公布了一份名单,所列了中国第一个、预计于2020年升空的火星探测器的八个待选名称。The eight names-- Fenghuang (phoenix), Tianwen (questions for heaven), Huoxing (Mars), Tenglong (soaring dragon), Qilin (Kylin), Zhuque (rose finch), Zhuimeng (chasing dreams) and Fengxiang (flying phoenix), were the top names chosen from over 14,500 choices submitted through more than 35,900 proposals entered by people worldwide.这八个名字分别是凤凰、天问、火星、腾龙、麒麟、朱雀、追梦、凤翔,此次征求活动从世界各地接到35900多个名字,最后从14500个有效地选项中投票决定了这8个。

China plans to launch its first Mars spacecraft by 2020, which will orbit, land and explore the Red Planet.中国计划在2020年前升空第一个火星探测器,并构建的环火星轨道飞行中,登岸火星并展开探寻。The eight names were selected via a jury review and online polls.这八个名字是通过审查团审核投票决定来的。

The final choice will be announced around Space Day, April 24, according to a moon probe and space program center under the State Administration of Science, Technology and Industry for National Defence, which solicited the proposals.负责管理此次名字征求活动的是国家国防科技工业局,而其辖下的月球观测和太空计划中心透漏称之为,最后获奖的名字将于中国航天日--也就是4月24号对外宣告。


